Sunday, October 7, 2018

House hunting

Hello! I know I'm too young. I know I need an apartment first. Here's the truth. I'm house hunting because it's fun. Ok?
I really like looking at the cheap small and old houses because they are gross but at least they have personality unlike the new beige houses🤢 yuck yuck yuck!!!! My dream is to have a cozy cabin deep in the forest😊😊😊 And of course I would put a whole bunch of tiny magical fairy houses everywhere💕 here are some pictures of what I want🤣

 Like I'm drooling I love these so much😍😍

Friday, October 5, 2018

Drivers ed... Oh my word

Drivers ed, im grateful for you, But i hate you.
There were 6 tables.
The emo table
The Popular dudes table
The popular girls table
The mixed table (where i sat)
The grumpy highschoolers table

The emo table was a place people avoided, The girls had heavy black makeup.. pretty sure they slept with that gunk on... They would listen to really loud annoying music and they proberaly love vampires or something

The Popular dudes table was where the dudes that all the girls like just because they are sooo "cute" They burp, They fart, They yell in class. I dont like them.
The popular girls table is where the rich girls with perfect teeth, effortless makeup and expensive clothes from forever 21. They sit on their instagrams and giggle. alot.

The mixed table is where i sat. This table consists of kids with no friends and are either homeschooled or from a private school. We are quiet and good students. Thank you.

The grumpy highschoolers talbe is where the seniors who are finally taking drivers ed class and wear black sweatpants and look like a hot mess. At least they try.

The class is 3 hours long. The first hour we study the handbook where we sweat alot and write as fast as we can. The second hour is where he shows us a really scarring video. Thanks! Im scared to death to drive, But at least i wont eat while driving! Cause its not like evreyone knows not to do that or anything... ugh. The last hour.. This dude literally talked about nothing important for ONE FLIPPING HOUR. ONE. HOUR. When class was finally done, Most kids would go home. But there isat because my parents were 10 minutes late very single time. Kids, go to drivers ed its great. I loveee it!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

5 shows I adore

Number 1: Heartland
I love heartland because there are sooo many characters and they teach you stuff about horses. This horse show isn't like the others, mostly because the characters are saying actual true things about horses.
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Number 2: Gravity falls
Yes, I know this is a kids show but i love it. I love all the adventures and mysteries. I also have the same style sense as Mabel!
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Number 3: H20 mermaids/ Mako mermiads
This show is all about mermaid adventures. Its not my favorite though, as the characters lack personality.
Image result for h2o mermaids
Number 4: Just add magic.
This show is so fun. I love the plot twist and the characters. I love magic and IT IS ALSO SO FUNNY!
Image result for just add magic
number 5: Stranger things.
So. GOOD. I love each character and the acting is awesome. The story is mysterious and creative. Its really addicting i love it!
Image result for stranger things