Saturday, January 30, 2016

Horse things

HIII. eh hem. anyway, I have been going through the horse phase. but, maybe one day, I will have a horse, but that day is not today, still, I learned some things to know about them horses.
 Do not feed them the following things: corn, bread, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers, onions, garlic, chocolate (I KNOW, SAD RIGHT?), ground beef, steak scraps and chicken skin. so basically, be very careful. For saddles, halter and harness, use leather. that way, if they get snagged, it can brake away. some healthy food choices are apples, carrots, grain, straw and oats. for a special horse treat, mix molasses and oats. do not feed this to the horse more then once a week or it will be very naughty (oh, those naughty horses!). for grooming, you will need: a curry comb, a simple animal brush, a hose, and a rag.
to clean there hooves, you need a hoof pick. no, dont use sticks, this makes pieces of bark or splinters will get stuck in the hoof. pro tip (either know im not a pro): to get the horses hoof up, dont pull on it. the bones in a horses leg are really sensitive, so stroke down the leg until close to the hoof, the horse will put up its hoof. so thank for reading my blog today. BYE BYE.
This is an american paint horse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My hobbies

ELLO. I have many hobbies, but I am only naming 5.
1: DRAWING. drawing, and art, is so fun. you create and shape your own brain basically. you create images that cant leave your mind. it lets your imagination soar, it is so much fun!
2: VIDEO GAMES. video games allow to go in other minds, like animal crossing, they wanted to create a safe, fun, cute world that no one would dislike.
3: PLAYING OUTSIDE. climbing trees, picking flowers, swimming, sports, fairy houses, who wouldn't like that?
4: DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. dolls are your friend. childhood, teen years, adult-hood and even seniors have a doll. (unless you don't like them).
5: WEATHER. I love weather, my sister dont like it when I say the name of clouds, but do I care? NO.
playing outside



video games 

cant find a good weather picture.