Yesterday, I had my second track meet. I got better at hurdles, And I was in the top 6! OK, I was in 6th place out of 8. So I guess that's better than being last! I got pretty far on long jump. My high was 8.10 and my low was 8.0. So I did OK. Today Is a little more calm. I need to do my job and then I'm going to take a shower so I can go to track practice. I am going to practice really hard on long jump because I feel like I need to work on it.
HURDLE TIPS: Go as fast as possible and dont slow down or your jump will be slow and you could get your toes caught in the hurdle. Look down until you get to the hurdle or you will stress out.
Long jump tips: Run as fast as possible for a longer jump. Use your arms and really push out your legs.