know there names so renamed them. Starlight and brownie. Brownie was brown with white socks and a black mane and tail. Starlight was black with a black mane and tail, She has white socks and a white star on her forehead (thats why we named her starlight) We pretended that starlight was mine, and brownie was hers cause starlight trusted me more and brownie trusted my cousin more. We treated these horses like our own. Every time I came over, We would go check on them. Due to private reasons, We werent allowed to go pet them anymore (HEART WRENCHING BUT TRUE). So that ended in spring 2016. We loved those horses. And we still do. After that, down the road, I would visit my neighbors horses. They had a bunch and they all looked the same so I never really knew them. I just like being around horses. I study about illnesses and tack and how to groom and what to feed what not to feed and pretty much everything horses. That summer, We went to a alpaca ranch, Although, There were also horse witch I was excited about.
We do 4-H pigs and for a service, My 4-H group went to a horse ranch and helped. I was thrilled!
I met 2 horses named beau and Parleo. I mucked stalls which was surprisingly fun.

In September I got to go horse trail riding. It was so fun cause I didnt need someone to help the horse cause I already knew how (and im assuming the horse memorized the trail) My horse was Auburn with black hair and he was really fast and young. The ride was an hour and you have to stay in just the right position. I was sore, But it was the most worth it thing EVER! I probs wont get a horse because there are 7 kids and I think my parents only have money for kids right now, which is fine. I will have more oppertunities.
Im thinking of volunteering at a local boarding stable for horses. Thats where I met beau and parleo.
Im not spoiled I just really enjoy learning about horses. THANKS FOR READING