Tuesday, March 24, 2015

14 chickens tips.

where getting ready to get chickens so i did some research
1 leave gritty pebbles for chickens it helps them digest way better.
2 if they have watery orange droppings, its completely normal.
3 they CANNOT EAT: sugar, avocado,onion,citric, raw eggs, garlic, and yeast.
4 use pine shavings for floor of coop.
5 hang up a rope so chickens can play on it. (perch)
6 hang chicken feeders to prevent rodents.
7 hang up water, or put it on stones.(it helps the chickens to reach)
8 get chickens new water everyday.
9 chickens live 3-12 years
10 chicks need to stay in at least 5 degrees.
11 chicks can stay in a big container, or buy something, also try cardboard
12 they will eat ANYTHING so be very careful.
13 they will destroy your garden, and flower bed.
14 put them to bed when the sun is coming down.

did you like this advice? i hope so!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

life in pocatello

basically these pictures are from younger childhood so enjoy cute gross and just weird pictures!

  hope you liked them!