Monday, March 16, 2020

Low Waste: Drab or Fab?

You have most likely seen a post about how ugly low waist bottoms are, see for some odd reason, these past couple of years people have just all had a mutual hatred for the crime of low waist anythings. Either you have a true reason for not liking them, or you have seen other peoples reasons and not given it any thought and agreed.
What if I told you, low waists can be cute?
Please do not think I am referring to the low waist jeans thirteen year old girls wore two decades ago, but rather think, something that sits right on the hips or a little under?  Don't get me wrong, I love my high waist mom jeans as much as you do, but don't think that because you love one trend, doesn't mean you cannot love another different trend. 
Here are a few tips for wearing low waist pants.
*Try wearing a belt if you aren't used to low waists or a bit uncomfortable. Id reccomend a thick belt instead of a thin one.
*Do not get anything with an extreme low waist, those are not what we want. let it go under your belly button and let it sit right on the hip bone. 
*you may try on a pair and immediately judge yourself, instead try a more expensive pair. just like all clothing, you might have to try on a few options to find the right fit that flatters you. 
*I suggest you wear either a Flowy shirt, a long loose shirt,or a fitted shirt. Do not wear crop tops or T-shirts.
             Here are a few really cute and simple outfit examples.
                              Thank you so much for reading!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sweet 16

I tuned 16 on the 16th of October. I have wanted to be 16 since I was 11 years old, I knew that it would be perfect. I would have a group of good friends, I knew I would be fully confident in myself and I assumed I would probably have a boyfriend. Its funny because none of those things have happened and its not a sad thing for me, I am definitely  happy with my unperfect life. I am happy because I see my growth, I am happy without a boyfriend because I realize boys are not as important as my 11 year old self thought. Here are 16 things I have learned in 16 years (inspired by my favorite celebrity of all time, Taylor swift).
1.Its better to be alone and growing then have friends who are pulling you down.
2. Strengthen your relationship with heavenly father before you even think about a boyfriend.
3. Swearing makes you look stupid.
4. Do not sing in the shower. Mom can hear you.
5. Girls have mustaches too.
6. Post double chin selfies, we all know everyone has one.
8. If you are doing it for attention, don't do it.
9. talk to old people. They are lonely.
10. Continue to love people you aren't friends with.
11. Some country music is really good.
12. Keep your imagination intact as long as you can. It will protect you.
13. If you are really mad, listen to Taylor swift. If you are sad, listen to Taylor swift. If you are excited, listen to Taylor swift. 
14. foundation makes you look old. Embrace that young skin. No one notices acne.
15.  Pale skin is pretty.
16. Mean people are struggling somewhere.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Creature Report!

Image result for octonauts

The basement is where i live, and unfortunately, the TV dwells down there too. Every day, my little 2 year old sister watches "octonauts" Its a kids cartoon about the ocean and its uh smart but annoying. I hear this song about 20 times a day
My little sister knows the entire song and will sing it for you.
well, at least its not Dora.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I'm Going To Horse Camp!

I have been saving up my dollars for some time, I didn't quite know what I was going to buy yet, until Ihad the idea of Horse camp in my head.
I have been to a horse camp before, when I was 7. It wasn't a sleep away camp and I remember basically nothing so I decided to go again, this time to camp Lutherhaven. It is a sleep away camp in the middle of the CDA forest, and i have already paid and i'm so excited to go! i have been doing all of the research I can. I leave on June 30th and come back on July 5th. Its only 16 kids per week so we get lots of time with the Horses and i'm hoping to make some friends. We get to stay in 100 year old cabin bunkhouses. I'm so excited, only 46 more days!!!
Here are some Pictures of the actual place!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Modest shorts CAN be cute

Ok. When you think "modest shorts" you think of the struggle of finding some that aren't tight that dig in your crotch and itch and are really hot and not great. I hate tight denim modest jeans. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Today, I am encouraging you not to lose hope. Here are some modest, but definitely CUTE and COMFORTABLE shorts.

Boom. Easy.

Friday, January 4, 2019

My side of the mountain

I love the Forest. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love sitting in the moss next to a trickling stream and listening to birds and squirrels hustle and bustle about the trees, I live looking up and watching the ancient trees, not to be a tree hugger but I feel as if trees are the most old wise plant I have ever seen
 Somedays I wish my smart mother would let me mindlessly run away to the Forest for a year like in the book "my side of the mountain" if I did I know I would be back within at least 3 days. I love the feeling of the Forest because every form of life seems to whisper to each other, the wind, the trees, the lush green moss and fern, even the smooth stones in the stream.  Oh how I wish I could spend the rest of my life with the woods...

So many of these trees have scars from wildfires, woodpeckers, children with forks, but I think it makes them look so strong...

I hate my braces.

Good morning! You guys might know that I have braces, I have had them for just over two years. I'm so sick of them. Luckily I'm getting them off on the 10th of this month so I can complain if I want.
I hate rubbar bands. You have to bring them everywhere, they are always looming in the back of your mind. They hurt. They give me a lisp and I can't sing painlessly.
I hate the brackets. They pop off so easily. They are very hard to brush because you have to get all around them.
I hate wires. I hate the wires because they have made it impossible for me to eat carrots, apples and other crunchy stuff. If they get bent, it stabs your cheek.
I hate my braces because they limit my ability to smile normally, to eat good foods, they always have food in them and no one tells me. They are a pain to brush and floss. I hate braces. I hate braces.
I'm excited to get them off so I don't have to chew so carefully anymore, I don't have to worry about gross food in my braces when I laugh, I don't have to constantly be thinking about my rubbar bands, brushing and flossing will be easy. Here is my transformation.